Couscous, tajine and honey pastries are some of the most popular dishes in Moroccan cuisine. These culinary specialities have Berber roots for the couscous and Arab-Andalusian roots for the dishes and pastries. They are prepared in a variety of regional and even family variations.

During this cooking class with Maya Joundi, you will learn the techniques for preparing

The menu: 

- Couscous with tfaya
- A tajine
- Pastry


|  A welcome drink will be offered to you by Grillette, Domain de Cressier  |


 14 participants 

 All levels

 6pm - 10pm

 159 chf | including meal,non-alcoholic drinks, recipes and apron for the class |


 ISP AGENCEMENTS | Route de l’Areuse 8, CORTAILLOD | 


Important informations:

Meals prepared during the cooking class are designed to be enjoyed on site and cannot be taken away.

All subscriptions are final.

If you are not able to attend the cooking class for which you have registered, you can send your registration to a third party, under the condition of notifying us in writing info@leslaboratoiresculinaires | no later than 6 hours before the class begins.

Please notify us of any severe food allergies by indicating it during check-out or by writing to us | no later than 10 working days before the date of the chosen class.